Iniciativa que consiste num concurso de escrita criativa que implica escrever um texto original e criativo subordinado a um tema a definir em cada ano. Os textos podem ser apresentados em Língua Portuguesa ou Língua Estrangeira (Inglês, Francês, Espanhol ou Alemão).
Em 2023.2024, o concurso implicou escrever um texto original e criativo subordinado ao tema “Eu, cidadão em democracia”.
Os jovens participantes, divididos em dois escalões (Escalão A - Grupo etário 12-15; Escalão B - Grupo etário 16-19), exercitaram as competências de escrita criativa associadas à reflexão do tema em apreço, tendo agora oportunidade de ver os seus trabalhos no Portal da RBE e do Agrupamento.
[25.04.2024] I — not yet old enough to hold criminal responsibility; not yet old enough to drink, smoke or drive; not yet old enough to vote or work — am a citizen in democracy. Democracy... Such a fragile flower, yet so neatly covered in thorns. Eternally stained red from the gallons of blood shed, throughout history, by all the heroes who gave up their lives to make of it what it is today. Protected by some and hated by few; indeferent to many and to some something brand new. Despite all the corruption, injustice and prejudice, it's living within the walls of democracy that gives me rights and duties, dreams and hopes, chances and education. And, as a citizen in democracy, it is in my best interest to keep it and to respect it; to fight for it, to protect it. Being a citizen is all about citizenship, but being a citizen in democracy is far beyond that — it's being able to choose those who represent you and your country; possessing the power to overthrow tyranny and praise nobility, not of monetary value, but of heart. It is, as a citizen in democracy, that I go to sleep, everyday, knowing that I have a future, knowing that my friends have a future and knowing that our futures can and will matter for the existence of this country and its democracy. I wouldn't trade being a citizen in democracy for anything in the world; Portugal has been a monarchy and a dictatorship before, and I know I wouldn't like to live in neither of those. My ancestors fought for the existence of the democracy we have today, and I will do my best to treasure it as I'd treasure a diamond or a bar of gold. Because, at the end of the day, it is, as a citizen in democracy, that I may live freely, safely and peacefully. It is, as a citizen in democracy, that I was given the chance to write this piece. And it is, as a citizen in democracy, that, hopefully, others will get to read it. Ana Beatriz Pessoa da Silva |